
Self-employment is another career option that is generally open to scientists from all disciplines and can be an interesting alternative for postdocs. One possibility is spin-offs from science; this refers to start-ups in which research results - sometimes even concrete products - are marketed commercially. However, start-up ideas that are more in the service sector can also lead to a business start-up.

The advisory services offered at JGU by the Research and Technology Transfer Department are aimed at members of JGU who wish to pursue a start-up project if it is based on results or ideas generated in the course of a research activity (e.g. master's thesis, doctorate). Advice and support for Exist applications is also offered through the Research and Technology Transfer Department.

JGU and Mainz University of Applied Sciences offer scientists advice and information at the Startup Center of JGU and at the cross-university Startup Office Mainz (available only in German). In addition, there are various regional and supra-regional contact points and funding programs that support those interested in founding a company with regard to content and financial support for their project.